Monday, June 22, 2020

Gender Based Violence Sample Essay

Gender Based Violence Sample EssayGender based violence is a well known term in our society today. Most women in the world are raped and they find it hard to get hold of justice against their rapists. The men also continue to have a tough time getting the guilty in to pay the compensation amount which they had bought them to provide. When women receive this kind of injuries and it is related to the area of household or the place where they are employed, they are labeled as 'militants' and it is up to the police and the judiciary to take care of them.Gender-based violence in society has become the norm in many parts of the world. It has also given birth to women to be a 'cult' as well. In the modern world, everyone has a way of being weak, soft and timid and the weak groups are supposed to bear the brunt of gender based violence in society. It is a social reality and it will never be completely eradicated from the society. However, this sort of violence is not a part of reality and it is not going to affect the entire female population of the society.Feminism has played the main role in the liberation of women in the society. The crime rate of women has reduced drastically in many countries. The approach of feminism has focused on empowerment of women and has helped them by changing the social norms which were related to the concept of gender. It was also important for women to be equal to men so that there is equality between the two genders. There is no room for gender discrimination because both the genders must be equal.There are many ways that have been used to prevent such crimes. There are special police units which are focused in the fight against gender-based violence. They search out the perpetrators before they commit the crime and try to catch them and get them sentenced for the crime. Another way of dealing with this problem is to set up special camps in the areas where the crime is very common. The young men are made to undergo psychiatric tests so that they can be taught how to control their rage.The counseling is done to help the youngsters in such situations. The law makers discuss the negative aspects of the use of violence for the benefit of the society. It is not acceptable for the society to be ruled by using such forms of violence. The concept of gender equality is changing the concept of human rights. We cannot allow one gender to become masters of the society and the other become the slaves of the society.The statement, 'Gender based violence is an essential part of the social order. It is a psychological phenomenon and it will always exist.' That means, when a man engages in gender-based violence, he is actually doing it to show that he is better than the other gender.Gender-based violence has been going on for so many years now. Women are not contented with being the silent victims. They are trying to learn how to deal with the situation. Sometimes the anger is too much to control but it is the duty of the governm ent to help the victims by solving the problem once and for all.Some people feel that the concept of gender based violence is unreal because of its inconsistency with the concept of gender equality. However, I think that the consistent usage of the word violence by the women can prove that it is true.

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