Monday, December 30, 2019

The Influence of Classical Music on Modern Music - 1064 Words

How does the classical music influence the modern music? Classical music influence the modern music by styles`s creation, composing and rhythm ,also many artists use elements of classical music in their work, and some choose to quote or replicate it directly. For example,Walter Murphy’s disco hit â€Å"A Fifth of Beethoven† samples Beethoven’s Symphony No.5. The following picture shows The first 5 section is actually quoted from the Beethoven`s sample. It gained a great reaction. There is another example in the Rock kingdom. Early rock n roll icon Chuck Berry released his famous single named Roll Over Beethoven in 1956.[Citefrom ] However the difference between the classic piece and his hit song is that Berry emphasized on rhythm and blues instead of classic music`s composition. This attempt turned out very successful. Another popular songbumble bee is actually quoted from Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov`s the flag of bumble bee most of us might know the modern version instead of the classic version.[ ] There are some stroking combinations between classic music and modern music. For instance, some rap songs even quoted from the classic music.such as Nas`s I Can . The background music for it is Beethoven`s fur Elise. And coming to america by Ludacris used the Mozarts Requiem for choirs.Show MoreRelatedClassical Music And Its Influence On The Modern World1430 Words   |  6 Pages There are many types of music in the world, with many different artists, backgrounds, and stories to tell. Every genre holds within itself a message, and this message shows a glimpse of the past as well as the possibilities of the future. People everywhere love music for these reasons and more, and I love one style of music in particular: a style that brings me comfort, makes me question the world, and gives me insight as to who I am. 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