Friday, February 28, 2020

The New Yorker Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The New Yorker - Research Paper Example In 2010, the magazine employed sixteen fact checkers after sharp criticism concerning their fact checking process arose. In the following year, Adam Klasfeld in his article â€Å"Gawker Brought into New Yorker Fracas†, on the Courthouse News Service reported that the New Yorker had been sued by Peter Paul Biro for defamation on a July 2010 article. The magazine was unsuccessful in fighting for a dismissal of the case in 2012. Over the past two decades, the magazine has adopted the digital platform in its publishing and storage of material. Since the 1990s, the New Yorker published archived and the then current reports over the internet. In 2004, every cartoon printed since the inception of the magazine was published on compact discs. The magazine dà ©buted on Kindle and Nook in 2009 and went on to launch its iPad app the following year. The magazine was influential in the political scene in 2012 when it launched its online hub that centered on the coverage of the campaigns during the presidential election (New Yorker, web). This paper seeks to discuss the New Yorker’s move to go online and show why this decision is justified. The paper will also detail the application features and the benefits of this move to both the newspaper company and its audience. With technological developments, many users and organizations have favored the use of the internet for various basic functions such as communication, sales and advertising. As such, the use of smartphones and tablets has increasingly become a common occurrence among many people. These digital devices have user applications commonly referred to as â€Å"apps† that are designed to carry out a particular task. These programs are designed to run on the most common platform; android, Windows and iOS. Many businesses and organizations have adopted the use of these applications to interact with their target audience. The New Yorker is one such company (Jane, web). The magazine’s applications, known as the Goings

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