Wednesday, February 12, 2020

What is Human Resources Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

What is Human Resources - Literature review Example HR managers in the hospitality business must remember that "human capital, social capital, and knowledge management are foundation capabilities that can lead to competitive advantage." (Burke and Cooper, 2004) Mentoring among fellow workers is important as competencies across cultures can be enriching. Migrants from Asian countries have lots to share about serving in bars and pubs in the European setting. (Brewster, Harris, and Sparrow, 2004) Friendliness and gracious service are some of the traits that the Asian workers are known for. The UK is wealthier now in financial and cultural terms as a result of skills and ideas brought about by migration. The economic growth in the UK is brought about to a certain extent by workers from the neighboring countries in Eastern Europe (particularly Poland) and Asia (such as the Philippines). The country needs migrants to fill its job vacancies. (Evening Chronicle, 2004) According to Caterer & Hotelkeeper (2006), "the HI in the UK now employs almost two million people, with more than 1.25 million or 67 percent working in hotels, restaurants, pubs, clubs, bars, and contract catering." Three important is Three important issues in contemporary employment relations in the HI industry in the UK have been identified by Edwards (Lucas, 2003) and these are "high commitment" or "high involvement" work systems, the international context, and economic performance. Lucas (2003) said "high commitment" is rarely found anywhere in the UK. Instead, what can be found are "low skills" and "low wages" in many of the hospitality employment. The low pay is offset by the government social security and taxation. Workers also find solace from customers' tips. The hospitality business in the UK is further described by Lucas (2003) as "vulnerable" employment. Most migrant workers come from poor economies in Eastern Europe and Asia who consider working in the UK as an opportunity to alleviate their families' poverty back home. But these workers in big firms that are not necessarily good firms, are exploited when considered within the context of fair labor practices in the UK. Migrants accept jobs that most British nationals normally will not accept. The entry of foreign workers into the UK economy brings about not only low wages and other unfair labor issues but also the issue of diversity management in the workplace. Now, more than ever, companies must create a "game plan" to address diversity. Diversity management strategy must go beyond race, ethnicity, and gender. It must include personality, education, religion, the area of specialization, background, and values. Management options can include among others-clustering of minorities in certain jobs or units; tolerance (Live and let live atmosphere); denial or mitigation of differences (We are all the same); building relationships and encouraging dialogues about differences, and mutual adaptation where everyone accommodates changes. (Ivancevich and Gilbert, 2000). Â  

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